How to help your customers keep their dogs’ coats healthy during lockdown

Like all our professional dog groomer customers we at Mutneys are animal lovers and we are well aware of the impact lockdown has had on our furry family members.
If you are pining for your regular trip to the hair salon then spare a thought for your canine customers who are also missing out on the essential fur friendly maintenance of their visits to you, their favourite professional groomer.
At Mutneys we know that you may not be able to offer your dog grooming customers the full salon service due to the Coronavirus restrictions. So we want to do everything we can to make sure you can support your customers to keep their pets healthy with some simple home grooming.
Healthy condition
Encouraging home dog grooming will help make sure that as many dogs as possible come out of lockdown in a healthy condition and are prepped for their first trip back to you, the professional dog groomer. It also helps you to keep in touch with your valued customers – both human and canine! Your customers can’t come to you right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch with them.
So to help your customers keep their dogs healthy during the lockdown, we have created useful guides that you can pass on to your clients so that they can keep on top of some of the dog grooming basics. It means that when their next appointment comes around that “first groom back” shouldn’t be too much of a shock.
Reasons to keep grooming
To help your customers get started with their own home grooming, here’s a few reasons you – as the professional dog groomer – can give them to set up their own dog care regime.
- Regular trips to the dog grooming salon will maintain your dog’s appearance, but grooming is much more than that. It’s an important part of your pet’s healthcare routine.
- Brushing ventilates the coat, helping keep your pet’s hair healthy and strong.
- Grooming removes old and damaged hair, reducing the loose hair than can go on to become tangled and matted.
- Grooming keeps down the level of grease in your pet’s coat, helping keep their skin healthy.
- Brushing massages the skin, promoting healthy blood circulation
- The grooming process gives you chance to check your pet for any lumps, bumps and scratches that might need further attention.
- Brushing and grooming is a bonding time with your pet, giving you time to build an even closer relationship.
Home dog grooming kit
We’ve also put together a home dog grooming pack which includes everything your clients need to keep on top of grooming their dog’s coat until they can get back to you. It’s available for small medium and large size breeds based on our experience of the challenges of grooming different sized dogs. And there’s a pack to suit all abilities and budgets.
We’ve also developed a more intensive home dog grooming kit for detangling which is available in basic and deluxe. The kits include a brush, comb and anti-tangle spray – or your customers can go deluxe and add a shampoo and fragrance spray.
The free grooming guides include overall tips for grooming plus specifics for different types of coat – wire, silky/long, double, smooth and curly/wool. They are all available on our Facebook page so feel free to follow us on Facebook and pass them on to your own customers.
We’re here to help
We’ve been part of the dog grooming industry for over 25 years. We have met and spoken to so many of you in that time. We hope that our guides, tips and home groom kits will help you keep your business ticking over during lockdown until we can all get back to the hands-on business of meeting the customers and pets we love.